相关单词近义词 inland 内陆的, vicinity 邻近, environs 郊外, surroundings 周围的事物, neighbourhood 邻近, neighborhood 邻近, back country 穷乡僻壤, backwoods 未开垦地, boondocks 森林地带反义词foreland, 沿海地区临近词hip, hint, hinterlands, hinterland basin, hinterland of town, hinterland economy, hinterland economic, hinterland sequence, hinterland provinces, hinterland eugeosyncline, hinterland of Jugar Basin, Hinterland of Junggar basin相似词hinge, hinge on/upon sth, Hinglish, hint, hip, hip bath, hip flask, hip-hop, 返回 hinterland